Public Utility Company

ul. Wagonowa 35
43-175 Wyry
tel: 32 218 75 65
tel: 32 218 72 42
tel: 32 303 00 30
Director: Jerzy Danielczyk, MSc, Eng
Working hours:
- Monday to Friday 07:00am to 03:00pm
Working hours of service:
- every day 06:00am to 10:00pm
Hours in which failures may be reported:
- every day – 24 hours a day
The principal object of activities of the Public Utility Company in Wyry are actions related with collective sewage disposal in the towns of Wyry and Gostyń, including:
- operation of a sewage treatment plant in Wyry at ul. Wagonowa,
- operation of a gravity and pumped sewage system in the town of Wyry,
- operation of a pressure sewage system in the town of Gostyń and to a smaller degree in the town of Wyry,
- collection and disposal of sewage transported with sewage vehicles.
Currently, 1,300 real properties are connected to the sewage system of the Wyry Commune, including 800 connected to the gravity and pumped sewage system and 500 connected to the pressure sewage system.
Automatic discharge of sewage treated by the plant amounts to about 200,000 m3/ year.
Under a decision of Starost of Mikołów, the Public Utility Company in Wyry was granted a water-legal permit for special use of waters through the introduction of treated sewage, being domestic sewage, in the following quantity:
- Q max per h = 92.4 m3/ h,
- Q average per day = 1,000.00 m3/ d,
- Q max per day = 1,434 m3/ d.
The aforementioned water-legal permit is valid to 1 July 2025.
Irrespectively of the above, the PUC in Wyry also performs works for the Wyry Commune in the field of public utilities and environmental protection, including:
- work related with tidying up the area of the commune,
- works related with road maintenance in summer and winter,
- maintenance of green areas,
- minor renovation works in the area of the commune.